工藝巨石陣|Stonehenge for Craft

國立台灣工藝研究發展園區 National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Campus

Location: Nantou, Taiwan
Type: Campus
Status: 2016
Size: 20ha

本案有別於動靜分區的規劃,並為未來的工藝發展園區設定了新的策略: 地景量體提供大量的居住與工作混合空間,並定義了歡迎參訪的街道;看似從天而降的大量體則提供了研究與展演等空間,並形塑可辨識的全區風貌­,一座人造的工藝巨石陣。

Different from zoning by programs, the project set up a new strategy for future craft campus. While landscape architecture blocks containing work and living mixed-use space layout a radial structure for the campus, big volume architecture drop from the sky to create research, exhibition and performance space. A new Stonehenge for craft is born by humans for sure this time.